Sunday, July 1, 2007


Friday morning, I woke up, peered out our little window as I do each morning to make sure this is not all a dream, and was taken aback by what I saw!

Less than 10 feet from our rig was this beautiful, huge female elk! Wow, how wonderful, I noticed a lady from the rig next to us looking beyond this one elk with her video camera, I had to know what she was looking at, so I jumped out of bed, ran to the other window, peered outside, and I could not believe my eyes!

In the field just beyond our camp, there were at least 50 elk grazing in the early morning sun! Oh my gosh, sweetie, you have to come see this!!!!! We jumped up, got our cameras and ran outside with everyone else in still in their pajamas, it was about 7:00 a.m. As I was taking !! WOW!
many thousands of pictures, I counted at least 50, female, some young males with small antlers and several babies! They were just there, like they owned the place! Talking to some of the other people there, it sounds like they are a morning occurrence

After all that excitement we got ready, and left around 10:00, and they were all still there, it was amazing to see people walking around and pulling over in their cars and semi trucks stopping to view this wonderful sight!

Our next stop....Napa!

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