Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fun in the Snow

We woke up this morning to about 5 inches of new snow on the ground. I came downstairs, opened the curtains, looked outside and just saw the most beautiful sight. The entire neighborhood was blanketed in fresh new snow, it was just so beautiful and exciting! I said to Wendy, isn't it beautiful, and she said it was 5 months ago, I was taking pictures and Mike was outside shoveling the front porch, I told him to look up and smile, and he just grumbled at me. It was so funny, no matter what Canadian you talk to these days, they will all tell you, enough with the snow already, we want Spring. I'm happy winter waited around for us to enjoy a little.

We spent an easy day at home. Wendy made us Aebelskevers for breakfast (their are ball-like Danish pancakes). Then we all bundled up and took a stroll (can you do that in the snow) a few blocks to their favorite coffee shop Tim Hortons and had a cup of coffee, then for something for for Josh to do, we walked across the way to an Asian grocery store that has live fish and crustaceans. Josh thought that was pretty cool. When we got home we played in the front yard trying to make a snow man, but apparently the snow wasn't quite the right texture, so instead papa built snow choo choo trains for Josh. Thomas, Gordon, Percy and cute!

Wendy, her little neighbor friend Jacob (he's 3), and Josh and I went out later in the afternoon and took a short walk to a park that's just at the end of the block and we tried to make a snow man again, but the snow still wasn't right, so we made a snow bunny instead. We also put the kids in the swing for awhile and then we walked home. By now most of the snow had melted, but on all the pine trees in the neighborhood, as the snow melted, made icicles hanging from the branches, it was so beautiful too! So I had to take some pictures of those too.

Mike and Rico and Kyle helped Wendy make home made apple pie and she also made homemade turkey soup for dinner. We enjoyed that about 6:00 p.m. and it was a perfect meal to end a wonderful day. Cousin Carrie came over for a quick visit this evening for some apple pie and to hold little Katie for a few minutes. It's now 9:00, Josh crashed a little bit ago (no nap) and Katie is on her papa's lap just now falling asleep...another nice day coming to a close.

Tomorrow the Rockies....


Judith said...

Looks like you are having a great time...the photos of the snow are beautiful...great to see the kids...

Mmmm---abeleskeevers! We get those for breakfast when we go to Solvang...never had they were great.

Christy said... was the first chance I had to read the blog!!! soo cute I love your pics. Im glad the party was a success!!!OMG - i love that Icicle branch pic too!
Joshi in the snow, adorable!!!!!
Glad your having fun.
I cant wait til you get to Bampf(or how ever you spell it.!!)